Twelve-year-old Diane loves school but her family could not afford all the books and materials she needed. When she joined a Safe Space group – run under AEE’s CCSP project funded by @Kindenothilfe – she asked for a rabbit. Her idea was to breed rabbits for sale. The first rabbit had three babies, and a few generations later Diane has money to meet her school expenses, she has bought a hen, and has paid for occasional medical treatment during the 2021 COVID lockdowns.
A Safe Space group is run by a Care-Giver, a local woman selected by the community and provided training through the CCSP project to look after the children and teach them age-appropriate life skills. Through this, Diane realized that her rights as a child were not being respected at home. She was able to take what she had learned to her parents and help them understand what they needed to do as parent.
“Fully realized child rights” is the first of AEE’s four strategic themes. This is one example of that in action.