Darcilla and her husband Edemon make sacks for produce and storage from discarded cargo bags they buy from the airport. They established their business through an AEE project to revitalize and empower churches to transform their communities. The transformation started with AEE visiting churches in Darcilla’s area, talking to pastors. The pastors knew to preach the word of God but were struggling to mobilize their parishoners to take charge of their own lives, to add deed to prayer. AEE trained the pastors, the pastors selected community facilitators, the facilitators formed groups of people like Darcilla and Edemon. Dacilla says that “to join the groups was a way of sharing testimonies, sharing stories to group members,” and through establishing that trust and rapport, backed by her church, to start businesses together.
Darcilla’s group now numbers thirty-three, engaged in diverse but mutually supporting businesses.
On transformation, Darcilla says “I was taught and I came to know that I cannot transform the way I live without having a personal transformation,” and through personal transformations, the community is transformed.
