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Funding Emergency

AEE Rwanda is funded by a variety of donors, from individuals and philanthropic organisations to government agencies. Each plays a vital role in delivering grassroots services to families, youth, and children confronting economic, physical, and social poverty. 

One of our key partners is USAID. Following the recent change of government in the US, USAID partner is pausing all funding and stopping all activities for 90 days while they reassess their priorities and objectives. This has created immense strain on those who rely on AEE Rwanda’s support and services and for the AEE Rwanda organisation. We are working with USAID to clarify our position and future with them.

Source and news reports:

Executive Order - Reevaluating and Realigning Foreign Aid [US Government]

Charities reeling from USAid freeze warn of ‘life or death’ effects [The Guardian]

US freezes almost all foreign aid [CNN]

Rwanda needs your help

Your financial support will help AEE Rwanda to respond to this crisis.

<Specific responses enabled by donations>

If you can, please help by donating through our donation portal below. If you a tax resident of the US, Australia, New Zealand, or the Netherlands, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. UK tax will receive a tax benefit. All other donors will receive a receipt for their giving.

In response, we will add you to our mailing list and provide brief monthly updates on the work being done and stories of changed lives. AEE Rwanda has been supporting the people of Rwanda since 1987. We understand hardship and crisis. We know this season will pass but we ask for your help to make a difference at this difficult time.


John Kalenzi

AEE Rwanda Country Director

Donate to AEE Rwanda

Tax Deductible Donations

AEE Rwanda is a partner for Project J1205N with Global Development Group (GDG; ABN 57 102 400 993). GDG is a charitable Non Government Organisation [NGO] carrying out humanitarian projects with approved partners and providing aid to relieve poverty. 

Gifts over $2 are tax deductible in the USA, Australia, and over $5 in New Zealand. In the UK, eligible donors can claim Gift Aid. GDG is registered as an ANBI organisation in the Netherlands, EU donors may be able to claim a deduction in their country, donors to confirm with their local tax authority if they are eligible. 

All donations are received subject to GDG's donation and privacy policy ( If excess funds are received they may be applied to other approved project activities.


  • Who is AEE?
    AEE Rwanda is an indigenous development organisation that has operated in Rwanda since 1996. We have an outstanding reputation for “making a difference” allowing us to partner with many of the largest aid agencies and international NGOs: European Union'/s EU Aid, USAID, World Vision, Save the Children, and Kindernothilfe. See our annual reports for more about AEE Rwanda
  • How do I know that my donation is safe?
    AEE Rwanda collects funds through the Global Development Group (GDG). GDG is registered with international government agencies to collect tax-deductible donations in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. GDG is subject to strict compliance controls in each of these countries to ensure that donations are used for their stated purpose in a responsible and accountable manner
  • Are my payment details protected?
    AEE Rwanda does not collect or retain any payment details. The donation gateway is operated by Global Development Group (GDG). GDG and its partner groups operate under strict privacy policy guidelines in the retention and use of donor data.
  • How is my personal information protected?
    AEE Rwanda collects names and email addressed of donors, where provided. We will use these, with permission, to update donors on project progress and inform of new projects. We will never sell or pass on your personal information to another organisation.
  • How will I know how my money has been spent?
    GDG provides project governance, including the narrative and financial reporting of project activities every six months. In addition, GDG sends auditing teams to the field to monitor activities, meet with beneficiaries and review the implementation of policies and processes. AEE Rwanda provides an annual report plus regular story updates on its website and social media platforms. Visit our website and social media channels to see what we're doing.
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